
Design Alessandro Mendini - 1984
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Chest of drawers. Signed original. Lacquered wood frame with hand-painted polychrome decoration. Handles in natural anodised aluminum. Drawer interiors in grey lacquered wood.


Zanotta Edizioni *

Born from the experimentations of Zabro Zanotta Edizioni is a special collection of furnishing items verging on art and design.  Items in this collection are inspired by the Italian artistic handcrafting tradition. Free from the bonds of industrial production, they are charged with the powerful charm of "handmade” objects.


Only a prolific and generous, educated and sensitive and conceptually very daring author such as Alessandro Mendini could devote so many of his thoughts to a class of furniture that is usually left out, by designers as well as by critics: the chest of drawers. This object has deep and historically well-established roots, between aristocracy and bourgeoisie, but in more recent times it still manages to bring back memories for all of us, as it was usu- ally to be found among family furniture that we used to see in our grandparents’ houses.